Music Monday: SEXDREAMSUPERSTAR by Brasko - Album Review

Happy Monday, beautiful people! Let's get this week started with some sunshine and happiness (or storm clouds and lightning if ya thrive in the darkness). I wanted to kick off my first Music Monday with a BANG, so hold on to your seats, folks.

Image result for sexdreamsuperstar brasko

Today, I am talking about glam pop musician Brasko's new album SEXDREAMSUPERSTAR. Y'all, I am in LOVE with this record and have been blasting it since its release. My sweet friend Carmela introduced me to Brasko and I was immediately hooked to his Prince-esque lyrics and glam rock sound. I became a die-hard Braskhoe (best fan name, I swear) when I saw his iconic look that can only be described as the love child of Elton John, Marc Bolan, and David Bowie.

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Anyway, SEXDREAMSUPERSTAR is Brasko's first album after releasing a string of singles from the album, most notably "Vertigo," "Static," "Milk Chocolate (feat. Nai Br.XX)," "Lipstick Stains (feat. Saint Pressure)," and a cover of the T. Rex classic "20th Century Boy (feat. Mr Gabriel)." Brasko has created music since 2017 and has gained a cult following of Braskhoes (told ya). Brasko is also known for creating sensual and almost sinful (in the best way) music videos, much like the video for the title track of the album. 

Now that y'all know about Brasko, it's time to delve deeper into a track-by-track review of SEXDREAMSUPERSTAR. In my reviews, I will talk about the general vibe and mood of the song, picking out some of the most poignant/odd/controversial/impressive lyrics, and my opinions of each track. So here we go!

1. WelcΓΌm

The first track beautifully opens the album to the listener by making them feel as if they are waiting for Brasko to take the stage at a live show. A few notes are strummed on an electric guitar as the crowd chants "Brasko" in the background. The end of the short interlude features someone whispering "Welcome to SEXDREAMSUPERSTAR. Enjoy your stay."

2. Get Me High

This fan favorite begins with a funky bass line and an electric buildup to the entrance of Brasko's vocals. The best word I can find to describe this song is gritty. The slight distortion of the bass mixed with the feeling of temptation in Brasko's voice create the gorgeous composition of this track. The lyrics of this song are centered around the sensation a certain person is giving the speaker of the song. His lyrics are also artful and clever, especially with some of his opening lyrics where he says he has been "spend[ing] his nights in American comparison." It's obvious from the first song that Brasko is a gifted lyricist.

3. Static

Track 3 brings together elements of funk, dance pop, and glam rock to create a song depicting the desire for physical connection. The audible sensuality of the track entices listeners, and the build from the bridge to the chorus is elevated by the strength of the funk-fueled bass line and rhythm. After hearing this catchy and danceable tune, one might become "addicted to the static" himself. 

4. Lipstick Stains

"Lipstick Stains" is one of Brasko's collaborative tracks on his album and features Saint Pressure. The catchy and recurring lyric "I ain't gonna leave without your lipstick stains on me" along with the soft moans featured throughout the song are indicative of the overarching sexuality Brasko is not afraid of revealing on this album. The funk-inspired guitar solo on the track is reminiscent of a track by alternative pop group the 1975 titled "Love Me." Both "Lipstick Stains" and "Love Me" draw heavy influence from David Bowie and Prince, and seeing the commercial success of the 1975, I am positive Brasko's innovative vocal effects mixed with his throwback rhythms and musical techniques will help him rise to the top soon.

5. Erotic Skit 1

This track sounds like individuals in a hotel lobby or a party are talking about Brasko. Random snippets of conversations are blended together and it sounds like one is walking through a crowd. Groups talking about the pronunciation of "Brasko," the artist's sexual identity, and whether or not he has had plastic surgery depict the scrutiny musicians face daily, and I like that the track makes it seem as if Brasko himself is floating through the conversations not paying any mind. The ending features the same distorted voice from the first track stating "Concierge at SEXDREAMSUPERSTAR. Just wanted to check-in and make sure we're all getting off together." Maybe this is Brasko's way of saying "I hear all of you, but are you enjoying yourselves?"

6. Sexdreamsuperstar

My personal favorite track of the album takes the sixth place in the track listing. The attention Brasko pays to detail in this song is remarkable. Just one example of the attention to detail in this song comes after the opening lyrics of "Tiger stripes mark the sides of your thighs." A faint tiger growl can be heard in the background, and I did not notice that until my third or fourth time listening to the track. The influence from Prince's self-titled album blended with vocal elements taken from Marc Bolan of T. Rex mesh together perfectly with modern electric pop elements to create Brasko's unique sound. The music video from this track is overtly sexual and features Brasko donning makeup and rolling around in silk sheets, ending the video with lewd gestures toward the video camera. "Sexdreamsuperstar's" elements of brash sexuality with intimate sensual tension make the song irresistible and causes one to get it stuck in their head.

7. Milk Chocolate

"Milk Chocolate" is a slower and more intimate song featuring Nai Br.XX.  The topic of desire is definitely present in the song and the vocals of Nai Br.XX add an additional soft element to the song. The tale of two lovers having a conversation about how sweet and irresistible their touch and attention are to one another shows a different dimension to Brasko. The other tracks on this album feature Brasko's feelings toward other individuals and the effect they have on him as well, but this song showcases the dimension of intimacy Brasko can bring to his music. This song genuinely "makes me want to melt," too. 

8. Take Me

The synth opening of this track is infectious and Brasko's breathy-yet-firm vocals give a different vibe to the song. A more submissive side of Brasko's domineering sexuality is prevalent in the lyrics of "Take Me." This danceable track has a catchy drum track with elements of some early 2000s boybands (NSYNC* and the Backstreet Boys) and I absolutely love it, and it's definitely because of the synth and bass mix of the song.

9. Erotic Skit 2

The second and final skit of the album opens with a phone ringing at the concierge desk at SEXDREAMSUPERSTAR. The call is from none other than Brasko himself (from room 569) requesting that "erotic sounds" be turned on, and the concierge obliges. What follows is an interlude to the next track, "Vertigo."

10. Vertigo

The seamless blend from "Erotic Skit 2" to "Vertigo" smoothly transitions to Brasko's slightly isolated vocals about the effect someone has on his senses. Describing the subject of the song as "evolved perfection" suggests the sensation of intoxication that overtakes Brasko when thinking of them. This track also showcases the knack Brasko has for creating gorgeous bridge lyrics. 

11. 20th Century Boy

This modern take on T. Rex's 1973 hit features Mr Gabriel and showcases the gift Brasko has for making classic hits sound modern. He keeps the signature lyrics the same and keeps the notable guitar riff, but makes the backing mix a touch different. He differentiates the rhythm by making it sound static-y and distorted. Brasko manages to create a new take on a staple in rock music while keeping classic elements of the song. Closing the album out with a classic-yet-modern cover of a well-known rock track that still managed to keep up with the raw and gritty vibe of the entire album was a great choice by Brasko.

I hope you enjoyed my track-by-track review of Brasko's breakthrough album "SEXDREAMSUPERSTAR!" Please check out his album wherever you listen to music and keep up-to-date with his projects on Instagram by following @braskosongs!

Happy listening on this beautiful Monday! Let me know what y'all think of this killer record.

All the love,


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