Back in the Saddle

Hey y’all- I’m back!

As most of us are under self-quarantine or are making efforts to leave the house as little as possible, we are finding ourselves without routines and schedules, out of work, shoved into online-only modes of learning, and isolated more than we have been in our entire lives. It’s hard for some folks and for others, this is just like every other day. There’s a new illness wreaking havoc on the world and some people are taking it seriously while others scream on social media about it being a hoax or a cover up. 

No matter how you feel or what actions you are taking, we can all agree this is a super weird time. I’m participating in a form of March Madness right now for crying out loud! It is a Disney movie bracket, but I am still doing something I would have never thought I would have interest in. 

Right now is one of the best times to try new things that can be done from the comfort of your home, but it is also the best time to pick up on the projects you have ignored or had to put off due to other obligations. If you’re like me and are struggling during self-isolation, this will be key to keeping your sanity.

Personally, I am having a hard time being alone or without the company of my friends most days. This week is spring break for my university and I am supposed to be in Atlanta for a conference at this moment. I was also supposed to be staying with my aunt who I rarely get to see, so this week as a whole has been a bummer. I know cancelling the event and self-quarantining is for the best, but I still feel pretty sad about no longer having the opportunity to see friends and family this week. My university also moved all classes online. I have not updated this blog since I started grad school, but I have been loving every moment of school. Part of the reason why I chose the program I am in is because they offer majority in-person classes, so this will be a huge adjustment. I am also a graduate research assistant and will have to adjust how I will complete those duties in order to get paid as well. 

The moral of alllllll that is we are all struggling right now. Every last one of us. I base my worth heavily off how much work I get done and how productive I am in cleaning or checking items off my to-do list, and for whatever reason, I am also more productive when I leave my house. I know, its strange! But I have noticed that taking time to get back into things I enjoy has made me happier. So I have started crocheting, reading for fun, and even trying to write a little bit to pass the time. This has made me so much more mindful of what I am doing, and I am grateful for that. 

One thing we can take away from this situation is to be more mindful. Mindful of your actions and words, how you spend your time, how much waste you are creating, how you talk to yourself, and your outlook on life. This is just a speed bump in the journey of life and we are all having to roll over it slowly and carefully. The least we can do as a society is to stay home when we can and start picking up hobbies we love. I am lucky and can stay home all day, but many of my loved ones do not have the same fortune. We need to do our best to limit contact with others and to stay home!

ANYWAY, if you haven’t gathered this already, I’m back. I’ll be posting more about music things way more often and I am sure you will see other types of posts, too. I can’t guarantee any specifics outside of music posts, but get ready to see more of my thoughts and opinions! 

Be safe, stay home, and WASH YOUR HANDS!


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