
Showing posts from October, 2019

Music Monday: SEXDREAMSUPERSTAR by Brasko - Album Review

Happy Monday, beautiful people! Let's get this week started with some sunshine and happiness (or storm clouds and lightning if ya thrive in the darkness). I wanted to kick off my first Music Monday with a BANG, so hold on to your seats, folks. Today, I am talking about glam pop musician Brasko 's new album SEXDREAMSUPERSTAR . Y'all, I am in LOVE with this record and have been blasting it since its release. My sweet friend Carmela introduced me to Brasko and I was immediately hooked to his Prince-esque lyrics and glam rock sound. I became a die-hard Braskhoe (best fan name, I swear) when I saw his iconic look that can only be described as the love child of Elton John, Marc Bolan, and David Bowie. I mean COME ON. Look at him! SLAY THAT MCFREAKING LOOK!  Anyway, SEXDREAMSUPERSTAR is Brasko's first album after releasing a string of singles from the album, most notably " Vertigo ," " Static ," " Milk Chocolate (feat. Nai Br.XX) ,&quo

Music Monday at 12:30PM EST

Hey everyone! It's only 9:30AM and today has already turned into "A Monday." That being said, today's Music Monday will be going up an hour and a half after the intended post time! I had a busy week and weekend dogsitting/working/being with family, so blog posts kind of took the back burner. Nevertheless, I will be bringing you all content and weirdness as usual today! Just at a later time than usual. All the love, Allie

Product Review: Dermactin-TS Pore Refining Exfoliating Facial Scrub

Happy Friday, my dudes! I hope this week was good to all of you and I pray for the weekend to be even better. This Friday, I am presenting to you my first-ever product review on this blog! I love giving my unsolicited advice and opinions on things, soooooo I hope to drop some nuggets of knowledge on y'all. I'd love to review products you suggest, too! This week's product is a Pore Refining Exfoliating Facial Scrub from the brand Dermactin-TS . I have never used this brand before but have seen it at every Sally Beauty store I have visited (and that's a lot of stores- trust me). I snagged this product from the clearance section at my local Sally's and unfortunately, I think this product is being discontinued (or at least being removed from Sally Beauty stores). I have found that it is still being sold online, so if you are interested in trying the product, you can snag it from the intrawebs. As I said earlier, I purchased this on clearance for just over $5, but

Throwback Thursday: The Bizarre Life of Mata Hari

Happy frackin' Thursday everyone! I hope everyone has had a lovely week so far. For my first Throwback Thursday post, I'm going to give y'all a little info about an intriguing figure in history. Normally on Throwback Thursdays, I will be talking about historical events or personal events that I am very knowledgeable about, but today I am covering an individual who is outside of my realm of historical study. This female historical figure has a confusing and wild story to say the least. But make no mistake, she was ahead of her time and her life deserves to be acknowledged at LEAST a little bit in a blog post. I first learned about Mata Hari from an episode of the lovely Kelsey Darragh 's podcast titled Confidently Insecure  (click on this link to listen to the episode), and I was absolutely floored by her life and experiences. This post will give the basic gist of Mata Hari's legacy and I figured it would be appropriate to speak of her history not long after the 10

Official Blog Schedule!

Hey folks! It's ya girl, Allie, and I'm coming atcha with some news and a little apology. I am so sorry for being MIA this past week. The final steps of applying to graduate school had me running ragged and I hosted some friends for a girls' weekend, so I was running low on free time to update this blog. I have also been trying to figure out the schedule I plan to follow every week and have fiiiiiinally decided on a plan. It only look me two days and lots of crumpled notepad pages. I will not be posting an actual post today (sorry y'all, but at least you're getting an update!), but here is my proposed weekly schedule! Posts scheduled to post at 11AM EST Monday: Music Monday 1st - Music Video Review  (for any music video, but I'll try to stick to more recent ones) 2nd - Throwback Album Review  (any album that is 5+ years old) 3rd - New Release Album Review  (any album that is -5 years old) 4th - Monthly Roundup Playlist  (I'll create a playlist o

Let's Get Serious: Fearing the Unknown

Happy Wednesday, folks! I hope you're all having a wonderful day so far and I dunno about y'all, but I'm so glad we've made it to the halfway point of the week. This morning has been filled with errands and pet sitting duties as well as miniature dance parties in my bedroom to keep my spirits high. I am applying to graduate school and perfecting writing samples and crafting a personal statement, and I have been struggling like a mothertrucker. I have known for a month or two now that I wanted to apply to graduate school for the Spring 2020 semester, but I have put off filling out the application and reopening essays because, let's face it, starting graduate school is a scary thought. Now I did not avoid starting my application and reviewing my work because I assumed I was "destined to fail," but rather because change is spooky. Starting graduate school means the groove of life I literally JUST settled into is going to be thrown off like a warped '4

Greetings from the Weird One

For as long as I can remember, writing has been the best way for me to process my emotions, study for exams, and thoroughly communicating any important information. I'm a forgetful lil' bean and my brain is almost always running faster than my mouth could ever dream to, so writing or typing my words out allows me to process things better. I dunno; it is what it is. So when it came to deciding how to process things I have been through recently (graduating from undergrad, regressing into a depressive episode, falling in love, and experiencing unemployment for the first time since high school), I thought about writing in a journal to keep my thoughts to myself and deal with things on my own. While this seems to be the "smartest" idea, I felt as if I needed to post a (little) of what I experience in life because sharing one's life experiences can greatly benefit others who are/have been in situations similar to the ones I am experiencing/have experienced. I cannot